First and foremost , thank God for His blessing for me to learned this interesting subject MLC 1014 with the most dearest and beloved lecturers , Mr Radzi Bedu and Ms Helena Song for being so dedicated in teaching me and the rest of my fellow classmates and never give up and keep giving us the best with their guidance from the very first class until the end.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you both whom have taught me many interesting lessons during the class.You guys are cool ! :) You both are very warm and friendly that make me very comfortable learning the subject through out the semester. Well done.
Thank you again for everything and i would like to wish both of you and to all my classmate a Happy New Year 2009!! May everything shines on you in this new year.
Thank you too for my beloved group mates with your cooperation.It was nice working with you guys.Gonna miss all the moment together.Good Luck in future undertakings! :)
To all my fellow classmate, I wanna wish you guys goodluck and do your best for the exams.
See you guys on 6th January 2009!!
Take Care & May God Bless You :)
-l i a n a i s m a i l - :)
Week 8 : Wednesday 31 Dec 08
Final Presentation.
This was it.Today is the day that we poured everything about what we have learned in this 8 weeks time.We have been putting our best efforts for the preparation in doing this assignment 2, the thematic project.We've been doing the checklist on what to be included in this presentation.Again and again, we keep confirming between each other whether if there is any of the elements that we've missed out.
However, during the presentation itself, sadly, it was not happened according to what we have planned.The sample video that can't be play on the lecture's pc , really was the first frustration that we have faced.
To rate our feelings, i think the presentation was good in the first place, everyone were so excited in presenting and at the same time sharing our new ideas after weeks of polishing it.
Unfortunately, after the Q & A sessions , our excitements level has fallen down.There were a slight lack on the solutions.We end up the presentation without an applause from the hall.We were just dragging our old legs back to place while we were sitting.
I know, there were a slight pain in everybody after a hard works of giving out the best results.
But, never mind, i know we have done our best and i am glad to have such a dedicated group mates that have always been cooperate during the completion of the assignment.All the meeting, all the progress checking with Mr. Radzi, we were all present without fail.
Maybe luck was not on our side, or maybe we didnt do good enough?What ever it was, i am sure we all have learned our lesson and will do better next time. :)
Week 8 : Monday 29 Dec 08
Public Holiday.Awal Muharram.
Week 7 : Wednesday 24 Dec 08
Final review on our assignment from Mr. Radzi before our presentation next week.He had corrected some of our grammatical error in our essay on problem statements and ask us to polish the idea to come out with the best solution.
Week 7 : Monday 22 Dec 08
Consultation for the assignment progress.Mr Radzi were looking at our "stepping stones" or in other words, he was looking at or work in developing the ideas.
Week 6 : Wednesday 17 Dec 08
Today, we are presenting about our problem statements in front of the class.The topis is Home Injuries Among Kids.The class was short though.
The presentation was fine, and we are now to proceed for the next phase of the assignment.
Week 6 - Monday 15 Dec 08
Finally, after problem by problem were being rejected, we have got us the problem that is being accepted.From this problems, now we can start working in our group to find the best information about the problem that we have been chosen and strike for the best result of our findings.
Week 5 : Wednesday 10 Dec 08
Today, we need to present the problems that we have been discussed in a group from last week.
But first, Mr Radzi and Ms Helena were doing on the blog review.They kept reminding us not to delay our blogging because once when we do all the works last minute, all the result wont be that impressive.:) We were being showed some of the our classmates blogs.
We have first presented our first problem to Mr. Radzi and Ms Helena , the problem sound like this "How to lose weight even by eating high caloried-foods?"
When first Mr Radzi heard the question , he was acting kinda 'stiff' and 'thinking'... and at that moment, i know that there was a problem with our 'problems'.. We were being asked to try to think for another problems that might be more rational..and after few minutes...we came out with these problems..
- 1.Why are the numbers on a calculator reversed?
- 2. What does OK actually means?
- 3. What should one call a male ladybird?
- 4. What is the speed of dark?
- 5. If your vacuum cleaner really sucks, is it a bad thing? :D
We were not the only group who faced this ' rejected problems ' others were too.. :D
So, we have been given another chance to go back and think of other problems that is more rational and need present it next week.. :)
Week 5 : Monday 8 Dec 08
It is a holiday today and it is Hari Raya Aidiladha or Raya Korban for all the Muslims all over the world.
Week 4: Wednesday 3 Dec 08
Today's lesson is about Random word/image association.The purpose of this lesson is to teach the student on how to generate the idea from random Association.It is a method to generate more and more fresh ideas by using a special formula.It has been told that this Random Association will be using a Random Word to provoke the brain for their responses.
In this method, there are 2 things to be given; the problem/situation and a random words.
Lets recap what we have done in the class on the Random Association Exercises.
i) Putting a special chemical in the cigarette that can make a person getting thin a day after the person smoke, which is so scary.
ii) If ali smoke more than 1 time a day, he will grow a tail.
iii) After smoking the cigarettes, all the teeth became red and cannot be clean by brushing.Therefore Ali will became shy to speak to peoples.
i) Making an object that is very sharp and who ever who touches it will became swollen all over the body for a month.
ii) Make a sticker of a ghost with a yuckiest green color effects and paste it right on the driver's screen in the car.
iii) Invent a candy with a tasty chocolate taste yet smell like a shit after swallow it and it last for 2 months.
For the next class,we have been asked to find a problem, and discuss it in a group and present it next week on Wednesday class.
Oh yes, introducing my group members including me:
Monday - 1 Dec 08
The class was kinda short.Mr Radzi also was not around.
We were given a booklet of exercise from Ms Helena Song.It has to be done in certain time given by Ms Helena.
In that booklet, we were given an instruction to draw an image or object with our very best of creative mind to make the image or object that anyone has never think of.
It was hard.. :) But i did my very best and sketched the image/object that first came into my mind when i first looked at the basic shapes, lines, and curves.
I dont know about others, but for me i didnt have enough time to pour all my creativity in there :( too bad for me huh?
I hope i can strike again in any of the same kind exercise if will be given again in the future.
I think my brain wasn't ready enough... :D
Wednesday - 26 Nov 08
Today's lesson is Analogy: Metaphor & Simile
Analogy consists of 2 : Logical Analogies & Affective Analogies
Logical Analogies's Example - A bird similar to a plane
Affective Analogies' Example - A girl is playful like a monkey.
In class activity:
Create a passage/ writing that describe the concept of 'love'.
To make it reach the peak,
If you keep doubting in love,
You will fall down with the love.
Love is like an ice-cream,
A lot of flavors,
A lot of shape,
When your love is getting hot,
You and your love will get melt.

Love is very expensive
It makes your wallet thinner at the end of the months,
It makes your waller thicker with all the receipt you have paid.
Love need patience,
You keep counting the ticks of the clock to find a love,
When loves come,
You wish for the clock to stop.

( Picture courtesy of
A love can be so tender,
A love can be so materialistic,
Ones' put their love on different things,
Either to a person,
Or to love a car which cost you a million dollars.
Cat & Duck
A duck quacks.
No matter what the sound brings,
The feeling of LOVE will always be the same.
It might be stink,
It might be dirt,
But because of love i have for you,
All of that is not a matter.
As a homework, we have been asked to describe a concept of man/women from any one of the above things.
Week 3: Monday - 24 Nov 08
Today, I have learned an important topic and lesson ; Juxtapostion.
What is Juxtapostion?
Juxtaposition is placing 2 variables, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison.
By referring to Macmillan English Dictionary For Advanced Learners
Juxtaposition is to place things together or describe things together so that people can see how they are different.

For this lesson, i would like to use a 'human body' as the sample of juxtaposition.
I have been surfing on the net, and i found something interesting that i want to share with you guys, something creative, something that i never know about it so detail before, and of course, something that we can relate with this lesson which is Juxtaposition.
(source taken from
In this article, these 2 person named Trinny and Susannah were revealing the 12 women's body types .The purpose is to help you to identify your shape, and the clothes that will highlight your assets and minimise flaws.Therefore, i think it must be something that every women should know and it will be useful. :) Why i said that it is interesting?It is because they were using various objects to describe a body shape!!
So, - which are you? ;)
(*Note: Please click on image for a larger view)

In Class Activity:
This activity is a method to get the idea, which is by combining 2 words.
..this is a very interesting activity that i really enjoyed! :)
Given a list of Words.

Choose 3 set of numbers between 01-99.
2 2 , 1 0 , and 8 4
Now, combined the words from these 2 columns ;
1 0 is flower head
8 4 is oil mountain
Then, construct a sentence by including both set of words in it.
1) Samsor saw the lightning break the rock into 2 pieces during the heavy rain.
2) The flower that has been thrown by the bride fell onto Lisa'a head.
3) Alex bring along the massage oil when he is climbing the mountain.
Now, draw a picture based on the sentence created.
**Click on image for a larger view

Now, lets have fun!!!
I have something to share with you. Something that is similar to this class activity.
Have you ever think of any of the existing words in the world that are using 2 different words in one word?Well...these are some of the words that came across my mind. :)