Week 4: Wednesday 3 Dec 08
Today's lesson is about Random word/image association.The purpose of this lesson is to teach the student on how to generate the idea from random Association.It is a method to generate more and more fresh ideas by using a special formula.It has been told that this Random Association will be using a Random Word to provoke the brain for their responses.
In this method, there are 2 things to be given; the problem/situation and a random words.
Lets recap what we have done in the class on the Random Association Exercises.
i) Putting a special chemical in the cigarette that can make a person getting thin a day after the person smoke, which is so scary.
ii) If ali smoke more than 1 time a day, he will grow a tail.
iii) After smoking the cigarettes, all the teeth became red and cannot be clean by brushing.Therefore Ali will became shy to speak to peoples.
i) Making an object that is very sharp and who ever who touches it will became swollen all over the body for a month.
ii) Make a sticker of a ghost with a yuckiest green color effects and paste it right on the driver's screen in the car.
iii) Invent a candy with a tasty chocolate taste yet smell like a shit after swallow it and it last for 2 months.
For the next class,we have been asked to find a problem, and discuss it in a group and present it next week on Wednesday class.
Oh yes, introducing my group members including me:
Monday - 1 Dec 08
The class was kinda short.Mr Radzi also was not around.
We were given a booklet of exercise from Ms Helena Song.It has to be done in certain time given by Ms Helena.
In that booklet, we were given an instruction to draw an image or object with our very best of creative mind to make the image or object that anyone has never think of.
It was hard.. :) But i did my very best and sketched the image/object that first came into my mind when i first looked at the basic shapes, lines, and curves.
I dont know about others, but for me i didnt have enough time to pour all my creativity in there :( too bad for me huh?
I hope i can strike again in any of the same kind exercise if will be given again in the future.
I think my brain wasn't ready enough... :D
Wednesday - 26 Nov 08
Today's lesson is Analogy: Metaphor & Simile
Analogy consists of 2 : Logical Analogies & Affective Analogies
Logical Analogies's Example - A bird similar to a plane
Affective Analogies' Example - A girl is playful like a monkey.
In class activity:
Create a passage/ writing that describe the concept of 'love'.
To make it reach the peak,
If you keep doubting in love,
You will fall down with the love.
Love is like an ice-cream,
A lot of flavors,
A lot of shape,
When your love is getting hot,
You and your love will get melt.

Love is very expensive
It makes your wallet thinner at the end of the months,
It makes your waller thicker with all the receipt you have paid.

Love need patience,
You keep counting the ticks of the clock to find a love,
When loves come,
You wish for the clock to stop.

( Picture courtesy of www.bigoo.ws)
A love can be so tender,
A love can be so materialistic,
Ones' put their love on different things,
Either to a person,
Or to love a car which cost you a million dollars.
Cat & Duck
A duck quacks.
No matter what the sound brings,
The feeling of LOVE will always be the same.
It might be stink,
It might be dirt,
But because of love i have for you,
All of that is not a matter.
As a homework, we have been asked to describe a concept of man/women from any one of the above things.
Week 3: Monday - 24 Nov 08
Today, I have learned an important topic and lesson ; Juxtapostion.
What is Juxtapostion?
Juxtaposition is placing 2 variables, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison.
By referring to Macmillan English Dictionary For Advanced Learners
Juxtaposition is to place things together or describe things together so that people can see how they are different.

For this lesson, i would like to use a 'human body' as the sample of juxtaposition.
I have been surfing on the net, and i found something interesting that i want to share with you guys, something creative, something that i never know about it so detail before, and of course, something that we can relate with this lesson which is Juxtaposition.
(source taken from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-488236/Trinny-Susannah-reveal-12-womens-body-types--you.html)
In this article, these 2 person named Trinny and Susannah were revealing the 12 women's body types .The purpose is to help you to identify your shape, and the clothes that will highlight your assets and minimise flaws.Therefore, i think it must be something that every women should know and it will be useful. :) Why i said that it is interesting?It is because they were using various objects to describe a body shape!!
So, - which are you? ;)
(*Note: Please click on image for a larger view)

In Class Activity:
This activity is a method to get the idea, which is by combining 2 words.
..this is a very interesting activity that i really enjoyed! :)
Given a list of Words.

Choose 3 set of numbers between 01-99.
2 2 , 1 0 , and 8 4
Now, combined the words from these 2 columns ;
1 0 is flower head
8 4 is oil mountain
Then, construct a sentence by including both set of words in it.
1) Samsor saw the lightning break the rock into 2 pieces during the heavy rain.
2) The flower that has been thrown by the bride fell onto Lisa'a head.
3) Alex bring along the massage oil when he is climbing the mountain.
Now, draw a picture based on the sentence created.
**Click on image for a larger view

Now, lets have fun!!!
I have something to share with you. Something that is similar to this class activity.
Have you ever think of any of the existing words in the world that are using 2 different words in one word?Well...these are some of the words that came across my mind. :)
Wednesday- 19 Nov 08
Start the class by showing the previous class's work.
Learn about the mind mapping.There are 2 types of mind mapping, Logical and Associative.
To do the mind mapping , we should get a lot of information.In doing the mind mapping, we will write the keywords and use two to three words only.
What is mind mapping?
( Source taken from Wikipedia)
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.
The elements of a given mind map are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts, and are classified into groupings, branches, or areas, with the goal of representing semantic or other connections between portions of information. Mind maps may also aid recall of existing memories.
By presenting ideas in a radial, graphical, non-linear manner, mind maps encourage a brainstorming approach to planning and organizational tasks. Though the branches of a mindmap represent hierarchical tree structures, their radial arrangement disrupts the prioritizing of concepts typically associated with hierarchies presented with more linear visual cues. This orientation towards brainstorming encourages users to enumerate and connect concepts without a tendency to begin within a particular conceptual framework.
The mind map can be contrasted with the similar idea of concept mapping. The former is based on radial hierarchies and tree structures denoting relationships with a central governing concept, whereas concept maps are based on connections between concepts in more diverse patterns.
This is the sample of mind map:
( picture courtesy of Peta Konsep Anak Bangsa )

Grasps your both hand.Now let see your thumb.Which one is on the top? Left or Right?If your right thumb is on the top, then you are a right brainer while if your left thumb is on the top, then you are a left brainer. Interesting isn't it? :)Now lets look at the criteria.
- rhythm
- color
- imagination
- daydream
- dimension
- special awareness
- music
- logic
- lists
- linearity
- words
- numbers
- sequence
- analysis
During the class, we also have been told to make our blog for the journal.
1. Mind mapping
2. Make a blog
Week 2 : Monday - 17 Nov 08
Recap of 'ideas' and the stages.
Lesson 2
Lets look at the meanings of these 4 words,
( * all the meaning were referred in Macmillan English Dictionary For Advanced Learners )
Novelty :
i) something new and unusual
ii) the excitement of interest that something new or unusual creates
I have been surfing around the net and i found out something interesting and unique that i am very impressed when first i laid my eyes on it.
Can you determine what is this?an arch? a sculpture? No.It is a piece of cake.I found it from the webpage where they sell a cake with a different and unique design which i found it very impressive!It looks so discrete.They are calling themselves as a Novelty Cakes.
Creativity :
i) the ability to create new ideas of things using your imagination
A dress made by condoms by brazilian artist adriana bertini
is on exhibit at the international aids conference in toronto.
Innovation :
i) a new idea, method, piece of equipment etc
ii) the invention or use of new ideas, methods, equipment etc

Erickson acted on this impulse. He developed the Clif Bar, which rose to $1 million in sales in the first year and to $30 million only 5 years later.
Employees suggested that the Clif Bar was too high in calories for women, and this led to the design of Luna Bars, lower in calories and with added calcium and nutritional foods. Luna Bars went on to be more successful than Clif Bars.
Invention :
i) a machine, tool, or system that someone has made, designed, or thought of
for the first time
ii) a story, excuse etc that is not true
iii) the ability to think of new and original ways of doing things

In class activity:
Creating image of public figure.
To describe any of the 3 person ( i chose Bill gates) by just using a picture,text and some drawings by cutting the pictures from the magazines.

Mr Radzi told that if we need to spell a word, it it not necessary to use a letter, but we can also use a picture that look alike a letter.Therefore, in spelling bill gate's name i was using a various pictures that looks alike a letter b i l l g a t e s.
He is conquering the world with Microsoft and that is why i use the hand shows that the computer's industry is in his hand and making billions of dollars.
This class was fun and i was enjoying every bits of it :)
Week 1: Wednesday-12 Nov 08
We have come to the 2nd interesting class.
Been told about the assesment:
40% examination
60% - Journal by computer
- Mini project
- Thematic Project
Text Book : Buzan T.Buzan B ( 1995) The mind map book 2edition
From the lesson learned, I have highlighted some of the important notes that Mr Radzi has been telling the class:
- "we should never say 'NO' to an idea."
- "creativity is about teamwork."
- "we should have a certain concept & idea, then make a statement."
In class activity:Work in pair
Find out information of their partner & create the image of their partner based on their interpretation of the information that they had gathered.
Materials: A4 Paper,Markers or color pencil/pen,A friend
As looking at the person , the name beholder of Arif Hizami Musa, we can tell that he is such a simple and warm person.After interviewing him, i decide to describe him by picture him as a ' S hook'.Why i choose the 'S hook' to represent him is because the listed criteria of Arif is beginning with the 'S' letter.He is Simple, Slim,Smart,loves to Sleep,Sweet person,loves to Smile,loves to play Scrabble,such a Secretive person,hates Shrimp,prefer the taste of the cooking to be Salty than Sweet and many more to be listed.
The physical of the 'S hook' which can be use both side of the 'S tails.Either one of the tails can be hooked strongly everywhere that we wish to hook it.This explains Arif is a kind of when he believes in something,he will hold strongly in what he believes in.The other tails of the S hook which can be use to hook other things on it such as clothes etc, implicitly describing Arif as a person that we can rely or lean to.He is a very responsible person.If a responsible has been given to him, he will make sure he accomplished it.That is why i said that he is a person that we can be lean to.
The S hook is simple and slim that can be perfectly fit to the criteria of Arif Hizami.It can be use to hook a lot of things; so do Arif,we can rely to him in various field since he is a very responsible person.
and.....lets see what my partner says about me and myself :)
My partner: Nur Izliana bt. Ismail BMm(Hons) Media Innovation & Entrpreneuership
From the interview, the image of Liana is : The "Spatula"

I questioned her in the interviewing session and interpret those as the "Spatula". The reasons are as below:
- Her name starts with "Iz", which sounds like sharpy-pointy thing. Hence the spatula is sharp! :)
- She has 4 siblings, as the spatula has 4 pointed shape at its front side.
- She loves purple, which indicates the color of the ambience of cooking because cooking also is one of my favorite things to do and I see cooking as a beautiful way in expressing our creativity where spatula main use is acquired most.
- She loves to watch films with drama and comedy genre. There can be drama in using a spatula. You can be hurt, happy, and also get killed by using it. There is also sometime you can put comedy in it too.
- The main thing is, she loves cooking, like me! :)
Now, to apply the concept of creativity and cooking, let me share with you some of the interesting foods.. :)
For those who is from Northern part of Malaysia, they might be familiar with this unique recipe.
For those who never heard or taste this banana stem curry, well..this is the dish that they shouldn't miss it whenever they got a chance to try it.
Banana curry stem or Gulai Batang Pisang is usually being serve during the wedding feast in Kedah.The tenderness , the soft and juicy stems will make the one who eat it hunger for more.
This is why the dish is always to be the first to run out.So, if you get any chance of tasting this delicious Banana Curry Stem in the future, make sure you come early. :)
This is the article that i want to share with you regarding the banana curry stem.
(Taken from The Star dated: Tuesday February 19, 2008)
This Malay delicacy is usually served at wedding feasts in Kedah.
NOT many people are familiar with gulai batang pisang, but whenever the dish is served at wedding feasts, it is often the first one to run out.
This Malay curry is made from the edible pith found in the trunk of a young banana palm and is a speciality in the north.
Often cooked with beef as well, the curry can be considered a “rare dish” and is hard to find in restaurants, particularly in urban areas.
“The present generation has not been exposed to this delicacy, but when they taste it, they really like it,” said Hamid Mat, 70.
He decided to serve the banana stem curry to guests at a wedding feast held for his son, Mohamad Nizam and his bride Habibah Kassim, both 28, at Kampung Paya in Kodiang recently.
The banana stems for this traditional curry are usually found in the jungle. The pokok pisang hutan normally grows in hilly areas. Unlike other banana trees, the fruit of this plant is inedible as it contains a lot of seeds.

According to Hashim Awang, 73, the jungle banana tree does not need to be cultivated.
“We don’t plant them, they grow by themselves. We simply go to the location where they grow in abundance and take as much (banana stem pith) as we want,” he said.
When the kampung folk need to go to the jungle to harvest the palms, it is usually done gotong-royong style. Despite obstacles like crossing rivers and climbing hills, the trips are worthwhile as the villagers also find plants and herbs like rebung, pucuk paku and pokok tepus which can be eaten as ulam (traditional Malay salads).
“First, the beef is boiled until half-cooked and then the banana stem pith is added with other ingredients into the boiling pot. If this is done too early, the pith will be overcooked and will become too soft, and the curry will be mushy,” said Samsudin Ismail, who supervised the team that cooked the food for the wedding feast held by Hamid. – Bernama
At the end of the class, we have been told to bring any magazines that stuffed with a lot of pictures in the next class for the in class activity.
Week 1 : Monday-10 Nov 08
Day one, new semester, the last one.
The class finished in less than 1 hour.Pffftt...Im so impressed with the lecturer. so energetic.but what was his name again?i dont know.i came late. ngeee.My bad.
Referring to the course outline again, this 2 dedicated lecturers are Mr Radzi Bedu and Ms. Helena Song. :)
When i entered the classroom, he already started to mention the list of the folks from the past..Einstein,Alexander GB..Gandhi ..etc etc.Those who were using their right brain extensively.Some of the names i even never heard before or even recognize their faces..I know, i suck at history.very.Oh, the subject is called ' Creative Studies'.. but what does it relates with the history?well..maybe i should start to think in a creative way by now.
He also mentioned, it is ok to spell a.y.a.m and pronounced it chicken.Its the same thing anyway.
Well, its kinda interesting;the subject.Looking forward to learn more.
We have been told that we will be having the in class activity.So, for the first class, here are the activities:
1.Given a big square divide into 4 small squares,we have to take 2 lines away to form only 2 squares.
I was hardly thinking and thinking, trying and trying.When Mr. Radzi came to my desk, i showed him the 2 lines that ive been taken away.But, opppsss sorry! wrong answer!
After a few minutes, he had showed the answer at the screen..
Take these 2 lines off.. ( Oh my, why i didnt think of that? :D )Now, here's the 2 squares after 2 lines have been taken away.Simple and tricky.
2. Connect 4 lines from 9 dots.do not lift the pen tip when making the lines.
Nahh..this one was easy :) , Why? bacause i've already exposed to this trick during the courses that ive been attended since during my highschool time.. :)To Define the Creativity,
First, lets look at the definition from the general view.
(Article taken from Wikipedia)
Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. An alternative conception of creativeness is that it is simply the act of making something new.
From a scientific point of view, the products of creative thought (sometimes referred to as divergent thought) are usually considered to have both originality and appropriateness.
Although intuitively a simple phenomenon, it is in fact quite complex. It has been studied from the perspectives of behavioural psychology, social psychology, psychometrics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, philosophy, history, economics, design research, business, and management, among others. The studies have covered everyday creativity, exceptional creativity and even artificial creativity. Unlike many phenomena in science, there is no single, authoritative perspective or definition of creativity. And unlike many phenomena in psychology, there is no standardized measurement technique.
Creativity has been attributed variously to divine intervention, cognitive processes, the social environment, personality traits, and chance ("accident", "serendipity"). It has been associated with genius, mental illness and humour. Some say it is a trait we are born with; others say it can be taught with the application of simple techniques. Creativity has also been viewed as a beneficence of a muse or Muses.
Although popularly associated with art and literature, it is also an essential part of innovation and invention and is important in professions such as business, economics, architecture, industrial design, science and engineering.
Despite, or perhaps because of, the ambiguity and multi-dimensional nature of creativity, entire industries have been spawned from the pursuit of creative ideas and the development of creativity techniques.
Creativity has been associated with right or forehead brain activity or even specifically with lateral thinking.
Some students of creativity have emphasized an element of chance in the creative process. Linus Pauling, asked at a public lecture how one creates scientific theories, replied that one must endeavor to come up with many ideas — then discard the useless ones.
Another adequate definition of creativity is that it is an "assumptions-breaking process." Creative ideas are often generated when one discards preconceived assumptions and attempts a new approach or method that might seem to others unthinkable.
To define creativity with my own words,
when someone told you , " create an object by using your own creativity.."
one should start digging their brain to search for the idea that is fresh, the idea that no one has ever think, the idea that is new, rare, unique.
Everyone surely got brain, but of course everybody think differently.Therefore, maybe some of the idea that we think unique to us might be unreasonable for others.
So, we should make sure we have to find a good explanation for every idea that has we brought up as we dug out the idea in forming our creativity.
(Video: Hand expression)
How impressive it is huh? :)
Who ever that invented this really had a very creative brain and imagination..:)
At the end of the class, Mr Radzi told that each of us must have at least a book to write a journal for this subject.